Quantum Computing vs Quantum Game Theory

October 25, 2021


Quantum computing and quantum game theory are two fields of increasing interest in the scientific community due to their potential applications in multiple areas. Both of them utilize the concepts of quantum mechanics to analyze and understand different phenomena. However, they differ significantly in terms of their objectives and methodologies. In this blog post, we will provide a factual comparison between quantum computing and quantum game theory.

Quantum Computing

Quantum computing can be defined as a field of computing that uses quantum mechanical phenomena, like superposition and entanglement, to perform operations on data. These operations provide a significant speedup over classical computing, as quantum computers can process large amounts of data simultaneously. One of the primary applications of quantum computing is to solve problems that are intractable on classical computers, like factorization of large integers.

The current state of the art in quantum computing is not yet at a stage where we can use it for solving large-scale problems. Quantum computers with a few tens of qubits are available on the market, and they have limited use cases. However, with the rapid advancements in quantum hardware and software, we can expect to see significant developments in the field in the coming years.

Quantum Game Theory

Quantum game theory can be defined as a subset of game theory that analyzes the behavior of players when the rules of the game are based on quantum mechanics. In quantum game theory, the players can choose quantum strategies, which can be a combination of the classical strategies and quantum superpositions.

One of the most famous examples of quantum game theory is the quantum Prisoner's Dilemma. In this game, two players must decide whether to cooperate or betray each other. In the classical version, the players can only choose between cooperation and betrayal. However, in the quantum version, the players can use qubits as their strategies, which can be a combination of cooperation and betrayal simultaneously.


Quantum computing and quantum game theory are both based on the principles of quantum mechanics, but they are fundamentally different in their objectives and methodologies.

Quantum computing's primary objective is to use quantum mechanical phenomena, like superposition and entanglement, to perform operations on data. On the other hand, quantum game theory's primary objective is to study the behavior of players in games that are based on quantum mechanics.

In terms of methodology, quantum computing utilizes quantum circuits to perform operations on qubits, while quantum game theory uses matrices to represent the strategies of the players.


Quantum computing and quantum game theory are both fascinating fields that utilize the principles of quantum mechanics to analyze and understand different phenomena. Quantum computing aims to provide a significant speedup over classical computing, while quantum game theory aims to study the behavior of players in games that are based on quantum mechanics.

We hope this comparison helped provide a more in-depth understanding of these two fields.


  1. Nielsen, M. A., & Chuang, I. L. (2010). Quantum computation and quantum information. Cambridge university press.
  2. Eisert, J., Wilkens, M., & Lewenstein, M. (1999). Quantum games and quantum strategies. Physical Review Letters, 83(15), 3077.

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